The Town was originally called "The Prairie" by the Chickasaw Indians who settled here. Around 1818 the United States Government laid out three sites for cities, Cold Water, Marathon and York Bluff. A corporation was also formed called Indian Creek Navigation Company. At that time the Bluff at Triana was marked off for a Town. Triana was incorporated November 13, 1819 as the second town of Madison County. The community purportedly was named after Rodrigo de Triana, the crewman who first sighted land while sailing with Christopher Columbus on his first voyage to the Americas. Around 1831, the Indian Creek canal was opened from Hunt's spring to Triana. Triana was a thriving port through which cotton and other Madison County produce moved to market prior to the building of railroads in North Alabama. Through the efforts of dedicated and visionary people, the Town of Triana was rejuvenated and re-chartered on July 13, 1964 under Mayor Clyde Foster and five council members. Council meetings were held in the neighborhood store and later moved to the garage of the Warden's Residence/Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge until the municipal building was built in 1978. The Town still operates out of that same building today. Mayor Clyde Foster served as Mayor for 20 years until he retired. Since 1964 the Town has only had six mayors.

Triana has all the perfect ingredients one would look for; a strong since of a family oriented community, a place to live and raise your children but just in the reach of work. For those reasons, Triana has been called by many a bedroom town. While this small town has been tucked away for years, it's now experiencing a growth that is transforming the appearances and diversity of its community. Triana is locate in Madison County, on the southern county line, six miles from the Huntsville International Airport, six miles from the international intermodal Center, nine miles from to I-565, 18 miles from the Morgan County Port Authority and six miles from Redstone Arsenal.